Monday, April 25, 2011

Amazing Locals!

 I decided to make Sara's Easter dress this year.  I was nervous about doing it but I found a great tutorial and thought; I can do it!  I was really concerned that I wasn't going to be able to finish the dress by Easter.  My sewing machine was SERIOUSLY on the Fritz!  After taking it to my Amazing Local Sewing Machine Man I learned that the spring in my bobbin case was broken, WTH~!  My Amazing Local Sewing Machine Man fixed it at no cost to me because it is still under warranty!  Yay!!!
Once it was fixed it was a sewing marathon at my house...  I have to say I was impressed with my mad skills.  She loves it and it now is in the washer because after the madness of Easter Sunday I found strawberry juice on it...

On another note... After seeing Amber's post about her sewing table it got my wheels to spinning...  My Amazing Local Husband Man succumbed to my not so subtle hints and constant planning/talking and built me a new sewing table all in one night!  
 I wanted a BIG table... check
I wanted it to look a bit vintage... check
I want it to be painted white and distressed... not checked YET!
I love my Amazing Local Husband Man!  He is amazing with power tools and is a pretty good kisser too! ;)


  1. Nicke, the dress looks so cute! cant wait to see it in person! Also cant wait to see what else u have been doing you crazy lady! I love the sewing table. he might have to make me one, since deon is leaving I will need a handy man :) Miss u guys!

  2. The dress? Totally cute! She looks adorable!
    And the table? I'm drooling over it. He built it in one night? He's my new hero!

  3. Love the dress (and the glasses) and awesome table, too!

  4. Cute dress, LOVE the table and the Amazing Local Husband man using a saw with one hand behind his I mean in his pocket!!!!!!! Awesomeness!!!!

  5. That dress looks beautiful! I think I will have to start asking my local wonderful husband man for a sewing table, too!

  6. Hey Nicke! Found your blog and I'm so impressed! You're so talented! I took the time to look through your entire archive lol Do you have an etsy shop?? I'm your newest follower :-)


thank you...