Thursday, February 25, 2016


i often think about the lives we brought into this world.  
how much i love them. 
how my love, acceptance and encouragement will will shape their lives.

how i love to hold their hands and kiss their heads.

how the love that i have for their father and the way i treat him will give them an example of how a healthy relationship could and should be.

i think about the memories we have made together 
i think about all the silly times we have had and it makes my heart grow.

i love this life.
i love these people.
i am forever grateful.



  1. Awwwwwwwwwww, such a sweet family. xoxo

  2. Nicke! I was so happy when this popped up in my feed. By the sounds of things, you are doing well.
    Blessings on you. I'm opening a yarn shop in less than a month so it's crazy busy!
    Happy stitching!

  3. Nicke, this post made me smile. You are very blessed by God to have such a loving family.


thank you...