Saturday, October 1, 2011


we will see how this goes but i am joining in with blogtoberfest...

Tinniegirl Blogtoberfest 2011
and what is blogtoberfest you might ask...
it is to post every single day in october.  

day one is an ode to my attempt at hand quilting.
i have my kaleidoscope quilt basted
(thank you to my mr.  You were a great help!)
and waiting.
my knees were a little sore after crawling around on my hard wood floors.  
reminder, use feet instead next time.
it sure is pretty though.
i haven't started quilting yet.  primarily because i am a little disgusted with myself...  let me tell you why

about 8 years ago i went to a garage sale with my grampa.  we hit the jackpot at some old lady's house as she was doing a serious destash of her "old" sewing supplies.  
as in...she had an older than dirt quilting hoop. VINTAGE
(source)      beautiful wood, very sturdy. they don't make them like that anymore.

i had been doing a lot of embroidery at the time and thought it could be handy.
i did not realize it was supposed to be used as a quilting hoop and at that time had
NO intention of EVER doing any hand quilting.

fast forward six or seven years, i hadn't used it for embroidery and still had no intention of hand quilting.  
in a fit of cleaning and with the thought of "why would i ever hand quilt?"
i sent it off to Good Will.  
stupid, stupid, stupid! 
when i decided i wanted to hand quilt this little masterpiece i smacked myself in the head.

stupid stupid stupid! 

the plan... finish by the end of october!  
we will see how i do.


  1. Oh no! I think that is why I hoard everything!
    Looks very pretty though, good luck with the hand quilting!

  2. The fabrics you've used in the Kaleidoscope are gorgeous!

  3. Oh that quilt is so pretty I want it bad. :) I do that all the time...get rid of stuff and then I need it soon after!

  4. Kaleidoscope looks gorgeous, I love the prints!

  5. Oopsie! Sometimes it pays to hoard, although I sent 11 bin bags full of clothes to the charity shop about a month before I got into trying to repurpose clothes. Oh well, I can still feel I did my bit as I kick myself lol

    BTW, we have matching knees right now, I've been crawling around on my kitchen floor basting a quilt tonight

  6. Good luck with Blogtober! The quilt looks lovely and I'll watch to see how you get on (oh, I hope that doesn't sound too stalker-ish - but I just picked your blog to look at out of the blogtober list!)

  7. I hate when that happens! Maybe you'll find another one someday. Your Kaleidoscope quilt is looking amazing!

  8. Don't tell me this! I already have massive hoarding tendencies!

  9. i do stuff like that sometimes. hopefully the person who ended up with it uses and enjoys it. :-)


thank you...