since my giveaway day was in the middle of my sewing machine crisis and i did not have actual photos to show... here they are.
this is what I sent to vanessa...

this is what she said in her email to me after she received the package...
"I got your package today!! Thank you so, so much. Love it! The fabric is gorgeous and the little zip pouch is perfect. I've been meaning to make one for my purse for a while and just never got around to it."
I am so glad she likes it all!
"I got your package today!! Thank you so, so much. Love it! The fabric is gorgeous and the little zip pouch is perfect. I've been meaning to make one for my purse for a while and just never got around to it."
I am so glad she likes it all!
This is the finished bag that found its way to Kiza!
so sorry about the super crappy photo it was taken at night when the wee ones were slumbering.
I used this tute to make this bag, but after realizing that there were no actual pattern parts in the pattern I put on my big girl panties... (sorry about the use of that word carolyn) and made my own. I hope she really likes it.
this is what she said in the email I got from her I thought it was VERY sweet.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! The bag arrived today and it is absolutely AMAZING. I love the fabric. It's not something I would have chosen for myself, but it's so super cute. And your workmanship just blows me away. It's SO beautifully made! I can't wait to take it out!"
then tonight i bought myself this. i love it and cannot wait to start.

little miss S is getting this one for her big girl bed.
I'm totally swooning over this quilt pattern too! You'll have to let me know what you think of it once you get started - its on my "to buy in July" list :)
ReplyDeleteNot the "p-word!!"
ReplyDeleteI'll forgive you this time since you make such amazing stuff...the bag and little pouch are adorable!
Cute bag and pouch! Look forward to seeing your swoon quilt come together - I love the look of this pattern!